Lion Wave is a complete solution for your work permits and Visa needs. If you are Interested in wor

Saturday 18 April 2015

Do we help in acquiring employment as well...? .. 'Yes' we do...

Many Tier 2 aspirants ask us, if along with getting themselves Tier 2 Sponsorship, do we also help our applicants in securing a contractual job in UK.....?

The answer is  "yes"  

We also help our candidates to get a suitable job as well.

Once after issuance of CoS, we send our clients' resumes to our job consultants in UK & schedule as many interviews as a candidate wants. (but here you need to understand that we can schedule interviews with your prospective employers, but to clear those interviews is your responsibility. So be prepared & give every interview your best.)

In the meantime we also file for tier 2 visa for the applicant. So both visa processing & hunt for job go simultaneously.

There are 99 percent chances that you would secure a job for yourself before getting your visa & flying to UK. But if you don't succeed in any of the interviews, then also you'll have 3 months time to look for job once you land to the UK. As your Sponsor has already collected 3 months taxes from you, you can stay there in UK under his sponsorship for three months even without having a job. So this is added time for you to look for and secure a decent job for yourself.

Candidates must understand that your sponsor will be benefited only when you'll have a good job, because only then he can be assured of his continuous three years' commission from your salary. That's why they try there best to get you a good & well paying job.

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