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Monday 6 April 2015

A Real Visa Interview Experience

I recently got my work permit to UK. What I need next is my entry visa to UK. I was given a schedule for interview and got my visa shortly. I wanted to share the questions because I tried researching online but none pointed me to sites where detailed interview questions are given. Hope this help others succeed and land their visa entry smoothly.

(I am a UK Work Permit Holder, I was interviewed for UK Entry Visa in the Philippines)

1. The consul will ask you how you feel today?
2. He will ask you if you can speak and understand english?
3. He will ask you where you are going and what will you do there?
4. He will now ask you details regarding your Visa Application Form, if infos are correct?
5. He will ask you details about your certificate of employments submitted as part of your requirements. Be sure that you know your work, job descriptions, salary, managers name, daily routine (this is very important).
6. He will ask you about your total work experience.
7. If they doubt an employment certificate, they will focus on that and hammer you many questions about it. Never submit a fake employment certificate because they will fax and call all companies for verifications.
8. He will then ask you regarding your job offer in the UK. How you got it? How you learn about it. Where you interviewed? What was asked during the interview. What salary was offered?
9. He will then ask you now if you understood the interview? If you would add anything regarding your interview? If you think interview is fair?
10. He then told me that I will get my visa this afternoon. ask to comeback by 4PM.

In brief:
1. I used the method, KISS. Keep It Short and Simple. Never offer anything unnecessary to drag your interview longer.
2. My answers all ended with SIR!
3. I looked smart that day and worn Tie & Long sleeves.
4. All my certificates are real and true.
5. My answers are brief and factual. Short and simple. Never offer more than necessary answer.
6. I spoke in english with confidence. Tattering would mean otherwise nervousness or uncertain answers.
7. I rehearsed my answers. Map my work experienced, thought of possible questions regarding my job.
8. My secret weapon is peace of mind before my interview, prayers, and positive thinking (envision success prior to interview-end result in mind). My schedule was 2 mos after my submission of application form.

Mabuhay! Share your blessings too.......hope this help. Good luck!

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