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Monday 2 March 2015

Skills Shortage in London...? local businessmen demand reforms in tier 2 visa type

UK has hit the headlines in September last year over a peculiar demand by the Entrepreneurs based in London. They demanded the government to make reforms to the existing Tier 2 visa type in order to fill gaps in the skilled workers category.

The research carried out by KPMG and the Confederation of British Industry about the skills’ shortage in London is to be blamed for this demand. The results, which stressed on the opinion of revamping the existing immigration rules, has also mentioned that more than 50% of entrepreneurs expressed grief as they were not able to find the skilled employees for their businesses.  

While science and technology fields showed this gap, it was apparently applicable to all industries, said the report. Further, it said that employers were constantly in search of technical skills besides soft skills. 

Whether the UK high commission is going to consider these recommendations or not is a million dollar question, but one thing is sure there is a big demand for skilled workers in UK.


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