Good news to all skilled workers looking for relocating to UK...
Recently released statistics reveal that the net immigration to UK has
increased to 298,000.
When UK Prime Minister David Cameron came to power in 2010, he
said that the UK wanted to see net immigration in the tens of thousands instead
of hundreds of thousands. However, the recent figures show that the net UK
immigration has reached a peak level, since 2005.
The latest immigration figures have revealed some vital points
about the UK immigration which includes; on a whole 271,000 individuals
arrive to the UK for the sake of employment, in line with the latest released
statistics, representing a rise from 217,000 when compared to previous year.
Out of those, 57% were EU nationals and 25% were foreign nationals, and
remaining were British nationals.

A major rise in net immigration was from outside EU, the net
immigration was 190,000 during the end of September 2014, up from 138,000 in
the net migration is the difference between total number of
individuals who arrive to reside in the UK for a minimum period of one year and
the number of individuals who are departing the country at least for a period
of one year.
In 2005, the net immigration has peaked at 320,000, and at the
time of 2010 elections it was 252,000.
According to the ONS (Office for National Statistics), the huge
rise in the latest immigration statistics was driven by a statistically major
rise in migrants coming to the UK.
In the previous year up to September, the immigration was around
624,000 when compared to 530,000 earlier that year.
This surge was driven due to the increase in total count of people
arriving to the UK for the purpose of work. Presumably, the increasing strength
of the UK economy and creation of job opportunities had baited people to
migrate to the UK.
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